Sunday, February 7, 2016

Architecture Critique

Paige Becker
Robert Bomboy
Modern Culture and the Arts
February 5, 2016
Classical Architecture in Hanover Pennsylvania
            Throughout any city that a person may choose to visit there are classical influences within modern architecture. An example of the influence of classical architecture in modern architecture is the Warehime Myers Mansion in Hanover Pennsylvania. The mansion is located at 305 Baltimore Street in the small town of Hanover, PA but still has many attributes that refer back to the Greek classical period. When viewing the exterior of the building it can be determined the influence by the features that make up the exterior such as the columns, entablature, and the symmetry of the building.
            In the Greek classical period there were three prominent architecture types designed by the Greek people: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The program of architecture that relates most to the Myers Mansion is the Ionic architecture style. The Ionic style “originated in Asia Minor and Aegean Islands” and has many of the same features that can be found of the exterior of the Warehime Myers Mansion (Fiero 123). The reason that this connection can be made are the features such as the columns, volutes, and many other attributes.
            The first attribute that can be found on both the Ionic style buildings from the classical Greek period and the Myers Mansion, in Hanover, Pennsylvania, are the volutes that are found at the top of the column, the capital. Out of the three types of architectural style the Ionic is the most ornamental which can be seen by the great detail put into the volutes at the top of the shaft. Though this is an important connection that can be made between the Greek architectural styles, it is not the only connection to be made.
            Within the Ionic architectural style the frieze tends to be plain in comparison to the other two styles (Classical Orders of Architecture). This can be viewed when looking at the Myers Mansion, the frieze has no detail. Another attribute that connects the Ionic style to the Mansion is that the bases are very large. When visiting the Mansion, from a farther distance the bases do not seem very large, but when a person stands next to the bases one can determine that they rise about three to four feet off of the ground.
            There are many parts of the exterior of the building that point to the classical Greek Ionic style of architecture but there are also other influences that can be viewed when visiting the Myers Mansion. When viewing some of Andrea Palladios’ architectural work, the use of columns can be seen, just like when viewing the Myers Mansion. Another architect that may have influenced the Warehime Myers Mansion is Christopher Wren. When viewing some of his architectural masterpieces it can be viewed that he too incorporated the use of columns in his works.
This exterior not only is appealing to the eye, but it also has qualities that make the building look extravagant which helps for what the building is used for: events. Many people do not know that there is a second Mansion that is a replica of the Warehime Mansion, this is located at 117 Fredrick Street Hanover, Pennsylvania. This building is a bed and breakfast, though the use of the buildings are different, the exterior of the buildings are exactly the same. A person can see the Greek influences not only in one historic building in Hanover, but two! It is amazing that the architectural styles from hundreds of years ago are still used in today’s modern world.  
            People may wonder, why choose this style of architecture? I believe that this style was chosen because of the ornate style of the Ionic architecture. This style is appealing to the eye and has a certain regal quality. I say this because it makes the building look expensive and has a high quality appeal to it, attracting many people to admire the look and inquire about the services the building provides. This building hosts parties and other events. I attended a party there about three years ago and the building was, and still is, exquisite. The Greek influences in the architecture is amazing and the interior is quite superb. The attention to detail on both the interior and exterior creates a certain atmosphere of that fit for royalty.
            Through studying the Greek Classical Architecture now when driving through Hanover and other towns, it makes me appreciate the architecture of the buildings. It is amazing that the styles from such a long time ago are still relevant and are used even though the styles are hundreds of years old. The attention to detail when constructing these works of art is astonishing and people should appreciate the detail and history of a building more often instead of just driving by. The Warehime Myers Mansion is great example of the influence that the Greek Classical Architecture had and still has on today’s society.


(Main Street Hanover,

Works Cited
Fiero, Gloria. Humanistic Tradition Prehistory to the Early Modern World. New York: Mcgraw-  

Hill Education, 2015. Print.

"Doric, Ionic, Corinthian." Classical Orders of Architecture. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic

Landmarks Commission. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

Myers Mansion. Digital image. Main Street Hanover. Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce.

Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

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